Business student at computer

SAP & Business Analytics Center

Stand Out With SAP


SAP, the Enterprise software that is part of our core business education, is how today’s businesses are run. SAP is used by companies such as SunPower for talent management, San Francisco 49ers to enhance fan experience, and Proctor & Gamble for real-time analytics. Students receive SAP certification which expands career options and gives our graduates a competitive advantage on the job market.

The College of Business and the Department of Business Information Systems offer comprehensive programs to develop highly qualified graduates with critical Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems skills. Western New England collaborates with SAP, the market leader in enterprise application software as part of the SAP University Alliance Program.

The SAP Advantage

  • Sources indicate that SAP expertise is highly valued by prospective employers, and college graduates with knowledge of SAP may earn significantly higher starting salaries.
  • Western New England University is one of only 400 schools in the nation to offer its students exposure to SAP software.
  • SAP provides grant money for professors who develop new courses using the software.
  • Western New England University students begin using SAP software in their sophomore year.

Industries that use SAP

  • Aerospace
  • Automotive
  • Banking and Insurance
  • Consumer Products
  • Defense & Security
  • Engineering
  • Healthcare
  • Mining
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Telecommunications
  • Utilities

The Department of Business Information Systems offers these academic offerings related to the SAP

Three of the following courses are required to be completed for the SAP Certification

  • BIS 202 Introduction to Business Information Systems
  • BIS 312 Quality and Operations Management with SAP
  • BUS 312 Business Processes and Enterprise Resource Planning with SAP
  • BIS 412 Business Intelligence

All courses listed above (except BIS 412) are core business courses and taking these courses satisfies both core requirements of your major and the SAP certification requirements. If you choose non-SAP version of BIS 312 or BUS 312, you can still take BIS 412 to satisfy the SAP certification requirements. Enterprise Resource Planning with SAP Minor is offered as an advanced version of the SAP certification program, where students take more courses enriched with hands-on SAP training. The following seven courses are required for the Enterprise Resource Planning with SAP (ERP with SAP) minor:

  • BIS 202 Introduction to Business Information Systems
  • BIS 220 Introduction to Business Statistics
  • BIS 312 Quality and Operations Management with SAP
  • BUS 312 Business Processes and Enterprise Resource Planning with SAP
  • BIS 412 Business Intelligence
  • MAN 370 Project Management
  • BIS 3XX Approved Elective

The courses highlighted in bold are core business courses. Using your electives to take the other three courses will be enough for you to get the ERP with SAP minor. All ERP with SAP minor students earn the SAP certificate automatically.

SAP Certificate ERP with SAP Minor
Number of Required Courses 3 courses 7 courses
Number of business core courses satisfying the requirements 3 courses, if SAP versions are taken 4 courses, if SAP versions are taken
Number of electives needed None, if SAP versions of core courses taken 3 courses, if SAP versions of core courses taken