Electrochemical Energy Systems (EES) Laboratory
Hands-on investigations into novel electrochemical energy conversion systems, manufacturing practices, and operation.
- Ph.D., Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY
- Master of Science, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY
- Bachelor of Science, Nanoscale Engineering, College of Nanoscale Engineering at SUNY Polytechnic Institute, Albany, NY
- Bachelor of Science, Applied Mathematics, College of Nanoscale Engineering at SUNY Polytechnic Institute, Albany, NY
Research Interests
Solid oxide fuel and electrolyzer cells
Produce novel solid oxide electrochemical devices which can generate and use fuels to compliment wind and solar energy. From material selection, to manufacturing, to cell architecture, to system design and integration, each step is investigated to optimize performance.
Advanced manufacturing of multilayer ceramic composites
Address the barriers preventing widespread adoption of ceramic materials in the aerospace, electronics, energy, and structural fields by introducing modern manufacturing methods such as additive manufacturing, self-shaping, biomaterial molding, and more.
Understand the fundamental behavior of non-Euclidian plates theoretically and in practice with a variety of material mediums including ceramics. Apply this knowledge to engineering challenges.
Courses Taught
Intro to Engineering (ENGR 103)
This course is designed to introduce first-year engineering students to the engineering profession and its practices. The students complete various projects, including a major design project. Through these projects and other activities, the students learn about computer aided visualization, engineering analysis, sketching, critical thinking, ethical decision making, the design process, how to work in a team environment, problem formulation, design evaluation and selection, teamwork, oral presentation skills, and effective writing. Students are assessed through performance on projects, exams, quizzes, homework, written reports, and oral presentations.
Scholarly Works
Refereed Journal Publications
- A.R. Hartwell, C. A. Wilhelm, T. S. Welles, R. J. Milcarek, J. Ahn, Effects of Synthesis Gas Concentration, Composition, and Operational Time on Tubular Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Performance. Sustainability. 14, 7983 (2022).
- A.R. Hartwell, T. S. Welles, J. Ahn, The Anode Supported Internal Cathode Tubular Solid Oxide Fuel Cell: Novel Production of a Cell Geometry For Combined Heat And Power Applications. Int J Hydrogen Energy. 46, 37429–37439 (2021).
- Timounay, A. R. Hartwell, M. He, D. E. King, L. K. Murphy, V. Démery, J. D. Paulsen, Sculpting Liquids with Ultrathin Shells. Phys Rev Lett. 127, 108002 (2021).
- Ahn, A. R. Hartwell, Bilayer Shrinkage to Assemble Complex Ceramic Shapes. U.S. patent is filed (2022).
- Ahn, A. R. Hartwell, Inside-out Anode Supported Microtubular Solid Oxide Fuel Cells. U.S. patent application is filed (2019).
Technical Reports
- A.R. Hartwell, J. Ahn, “Novel Combined Heat and Power CHP System.” New York State Energy Research and Development Authority Technical Report, Report Number 20-23 (2020).
Conference Proceedings
- A.R. Hartwell, S. K. Elsayed, Z. Qin, J. Ahn, "Using Simulation and Experiment to Develop a Design Methodology for Self-Shaping Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Multilayer Ceramic Composites" in Proceedings of the ASME 2023 POWER Conference (2023).
- A.R. Hartwell, C. VanNostrand, H. Kayton, Y. Murakami, H. Yakamura, J. Ahn, "Internal Cathode Tubular Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Operating on Simulated Two-Stroke Internal Combustion Engine Exhaust" in Proceedings of the Nineteenth International Conference on Flow Dynamics (2022).
- A.R. Hartwell, J. Ahn, "Utilizing Bilayer Shrinkage to Assemble Complex Ceramic Shapes" in Proceedings of the ASME 2022 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE 2022) (2022).
- A.R. Hartwell, J. Ahn, "Complex Material Behavior Seen With Novel Internal Cathode Tubular Solid Oxide Fuel Cells" in Proceedings of the ASME 2021 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE 2021) (2021).
- A.R. Hartwell, J. Ahn, "Integration of Novel Geometry Solid Oxide Fuel Cells into a Residential Furnace/Boiler" in Proceedings of the ASME 2020 Power Conference (Power 2020) (2020).
- A.R. Hartwell, J. Ahn, "Development of An Anode Supported Tubular Solid Oxide Fuel Cell with Internal Cathode" in Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Flow Dynamics (2019), vol. 16.