Bart Lipkens

Research Interests

Dr. Bart Lipkens’ research activities are in biopharmaceutical technology and cell and gene therapy research. In biopharmacy, Dr. Lipkens’ research is on novel ultrasonic flow filtration systems that enable and improve cost-effective, robust, and sustainable continuous manufacturing of therapeutic proteins such as monoclonal antibodies (Funded by Massachusetts Clean Energy Center). In the cell and gene therapy manufacturing space, Dr. Lipkens has developed novel patented instrumentation for modular and automated manufacturing of CAR T cell therapies. These include platforms for cell selection, cell separation, cell concentration, and washing. His current interests are in the research and development of a true end-to-end cell therapy manufacturing system that can be deployed bedside to enable local manufacturing of autologous cell therapies. Current cell therapy manufacturing is done centrally at a very high cost (~$1M per drug). Distributed and local manufacturing is needed to bring the promise of cheaper locally manufactured cell therapies to fruition.  Dr. Lipkens has secured funding to start a new Master of Science Program in Biopharmaceutical Technology, funded by a $500,000 grant from the Massachusetts Life Sciences Center.