B.A., Marquette University
J.D., University of Wisconsin Law School
Ph.D., Northeastern University
Upon graduation from law school, Professor Baldwin worked as a Staff Attorney for the Criminal Defense Division of the Legal Aid Society in New York City. She later became a Staff Attorney for the Bronx Defenders in the Bronx, NY. Professor Baldwin has also worked as an in-house Counsel for a major insurance company and with the law firm of James P. Nunemaker & Associates. In 2001, she became a Visiting Assistant Professor in the College of Criminal Justice at Northeastern University. She earned her Ph.D. from Northeastern University Law, Policy, and Society program in 2010. Her dissertation was entitled "Wisconsin Works? Race, Gender and Accountability in the Workfare Era." Professor Baldwin's areas of interest include criminal law and procedure, international criminal justice, evidence, critical race theory, and welfare law. Her scholarly work has examined the intersection of the Ninth Amendment and social movements, as well as, the convergence of race, class and gender on welfare reform legislation.
Criminal Law
Criminal Procedure: Adjudication
Criminal Procedure Investigation
Critical Race Theory
Cyber Crime Digital Evidence
International Criminal Justice
Bridgette Baldwin, 'Wisconsin Works'?: Race, Gender and Accountability in the Workfare Era (2011). SSRN Digital Commons
Bridgette Baldwin, "Make America Great Again"? Dog Whistle Politics, Policing, and the Myth of a Post-Racial America, in Rule of Law: Strategies, Experiences, and Interpretations 51 (Barbara Faedda ed., 2021).
Bridgette Baldwin, In the Shadow of the Gun: The Black Panther Party, The Ninth Amendment and Discourses of Self-Defense, in In Search of the Black Panther Party: New Perspectives on a Revolutionary Movement (Jama Lazerow & Yohuru Williams eds., 2006). SSRN
Bridgette Baldwin, Black, White, and Blue: Bias, Profiling, and Policing in the Age of Black Lives Matter, 40 W. New Eng. L. Rev. 431 (2018). SSRN Digital Commons
Bridgette Baldwin, Symposium: Backsliding: The United States Supreme Court, Shelby County v. Holder and the Dismantling of Voting Rights Act of 1965, 17 Berkeley J. Afr.-Am. L. & Pol'y 251, & 7 J. Race, Gender, & Ethnicity 251 (2015). SSRN Digital Commons
Bridgette Baldwin, Symposium: Radical Nemesis: Re-Envisioning Ivan Illich's Theories on Social Institutions: Shadow Works and Shadow Markets: How Privatization of Welfare Services Produces an Alternative Market, 34 W. New Eng. L. Rev. 445 (2012). SSRN Digital Commons
Bridgette Baldwin, Stratification of the Welfare Poor: Intersections of Gender, Race & "Worthiness" in Poverty Discourse and Policy, 6 Mod. Am. 4 (2010). SSRN Digital Commons
Bridgette Baldwin, Symposium: Defining Race: Colorblind Diversity: The Changing Significance of "Race" in the Post-Bakke Era, 72 Alb. L. Rev. 863 (2009). SSRN Digital Commons
Bridgette Baldwin, In Supreme Judgment of the Poor: The Role of the United States Supreme Court in Welfare Law and Policy, 23 Wis. Women's L.J. 1 (2008). SSRN Digital Commons
Bridgette Baldwin, The Complex Landscape of Trump's Presidential Campaign, Inauguration and Political Messaging, Af-Am Point of View, Feb. 1, 2025, at 9.
Bridgette Baldwin, Criminalizing the Poor: The United States Supreme Court Upholds Law that Punishes the Homeless, Af-Am Point of View, Dec. 1, 2024, at 24.
Bridgette Baldwin, From Division to Dialogue: Navigating the Aftermath of Election 2024, Af-Am Point of View, Dec. 1, 2024, at 1.
Bridgette Baldwin, Breaking Through the Double Glass Ceiling, Af-Am Point of View, Apr. 1, 2024, at 1.
Bridgette Baldwin, Re-Electing Trump Will NEVER MAKE AMERICA GREAT, Af-Am Point of View, Feb. 1, 2024, at 24.
Bridgette Baldwin, And Now There Are Two: Springfield Native, Tracy E. Duncan, Appointed to the Superior Court in Western Mass., Af-Am Point of View, Dec. 1, 2023, at 23.
Bridgette Baldwin, New York Makes US History: Trump is INDICTED!!!, Af-Am Point of View, May 1, 2023, at 11.
Bridgette Baldwin, Fighting for the Crumbs: Defending Race-conscious Preferences in Higher Education, Af-Am Point of View, Apr. 1, 2023, at 22.
Bridgette Baldwin, Get Out of Jail Free Card: Who Benefits from President Biden’s Marijuana Pardon?, Af-Am Point of View, Jan. 1, 2023, at 15.
Bridgette Baldwin, Pro-Life or Pro-Birth? The Leaked United States Supreme Court Draft, Af-Am Point of View, June 1, 2022, at 13.
Davarian L. Baldwin & Bridgette Baldwin, “‘Look, a Negro’ … in the Academy”: When White Students Say What They Really Think, Our Black Bodies Become a Battlefield, Pub. Seminar, Apr. 28, 2022.
Bridgette Baldwin, The COVID-19 Divide: The Workplace Struggle over Testing and Vaccination Mandates, Af-Am Point of View, Feb. 1, 2022, at 30.
Bridgette Baldwin, Dog Whistle Politics and the Myth of Critical Race Theory in the Schools, Af-Am Point of View, Jan. 1, 2022, at 6.
Bridgette Baldwin, Failing Our Youth: SCOTUS Endorses a Life Sentence Without the Possibility of Parole for Juvenile Offenders, Af-Am Point of View, Dec. 1, 2021, at 13.
Bridgette Baldwin, When Peace in the Middle East Means Prioritizing Israel: The Case of the “Qualitative Military Edge,” Af-Am Point of View, July 1, 2021, at 14.
Bridgette Baldwin, Almost “Free at Last”! Massachusetts and Voting Rights for Incarcerated Citizens, Af-Am Point of View, June 1, 2021, at 18.
Bridgette Baldwin, Power to the People: Elaine Brown’s Black Agenda for America, Af-Am Point of View, Dec. 1, 2020, at 23.
Bridgette Baldwin, All or Nothing: Unanimous Jury Verdicts Now Required in Federal and State Criminal Proceedings, Af-Am Point of View, Nov. 1, 2020, at 23.
Bridgette Baldwin, You Make Me Sick: The Legality of COVID-19 Liability Waivers, Af-Am Point of View, Sept. 1, 2020, at 1.
Bridgette Baldwin, When the Buildings Stop Burning: Corporate America in the Wake of the BLM Movement, Af-Am Point of View, Aug. 1, 2020, at 25.
Bridgette Baldwin, Justice 44 Years in the Making: The Albert Woodfox Story, Af-Am Point of View, Jan. 1, 2020, at 5.
Bridgette Baldwin, Normalization of Racial Violence in the Era of Trump, Af-Am Point of View, Oct. 1, 2019, at 23.
Bridgette Baldwin, Federal Crime Reform Bill: A First Step in the Right Direction, Af-Am Point of View, Mar. 1, 2019, at 23.
Bridgette Baldwin, Big Brother is Still Watching: Is Searching Our Cellphones Legal?, Af-Am Point of View, Aug. 1, 2018, at 23.
Bridgette Baldwin, Pledging Allegiance to the Cloth: The Constitutional Right to #takeaknee, Af-Am Point of View, Nov. 1, 2017, at 23.
Bridgette Baldwin, Pass The Dutchie: Legalization Of Marijuana Can Still Lead To Criminal Penalties, Af-Am Point of View, Oct. 1, 2017, at 23.
Bridgette Baldwin, Guilty and Innocent at the Same Time: The Abatement Loophole, Af-Am Point of View, June 1, 2017, at 23.