Journal Articles
Ellis, H.J.C., "Give your students edit access to their course syllabus," chapter in: The Open Organization Workbook - Open Organization Guide for Educators, pp. 118-125, Red Hat, Sep. 2019.
Ellis, H.J.C., Hislop, G.W., Jackson, S., and Postner, L. 2015. Team Project Experiences in Humanitarian Free and Open Source Software (HFOSS). Trans. Comput. Educ. 15, 4, Article 18, Dec. 2015, 23 pages. DOI=
Conference Proceedings
Postner, L., Burdge, D., Ellis, H.J.C., Jackson, S., and Hislop, G.W., "Impact of HFOSS Education on Instructors", ACM ITiCSE, Aberdeen Scotland, July 2019
Postner, L., Ellis, H.J.C., and Hislop, G.W., “Humanitarian Applications Increase Interest and Motivation of Women in Computing,” 53rd ACM Technical Symposium on Computing Science Education, SIGCSE '23, Toronto, Canada, Mar. 2023.
Wurst, K., Radkowski, C., Jackson, S., Ellis, H.J.C., Burdge, D., and Postner, L., "LibreFoodPantry: Developing a Multi-Institutional, Faculty-Led, Humanitarian Free and Open Source Software Community," Paper. 50th ACM Technical Symposium on Computing Science Education, SIGCSE '20, Portland, OR, Mar. 2020.
Dziallas, W., Fincher, S., Ellis, H.J.C., Hislop, G.W. and Postner, L. “Adopting a New Practice: Open Source Experiences in the Classroom,” Paper. 2022 Frontiers in Education Conference, Upsala, Sweden, Oct. 2022.