Timothy Webster


B.A., Yale University
M.A., Yale University
J.D., Cornell Law School
LL.M., Cornell Law School


Tim Webster teaches International and Comparative Law at Western New England University. He began his academic career as a Lecturer at Yale Law School, and Senior Fellow at Yale’s China Center. He then joined Case Western Reserve, where he was Professor of Transnational Law, Director of Asian Legal Studies, and Co-Founder of the Joint Program in International Commercial Law and Dispute Resolution. He has been a Visiting Professor at National Taiwan University (Taipei, ROC), University of Paris—Dauphine, Southwest University of Political Science and Law (Chongqing, PRC), and IÉSEG School of Management (Paris).  In 2023, WNEU students honored him with the Catherine J. Jones Professor of the Year Award. 

Webster has published dozens of articles about the intersections of international law and the domestic legal systems of East Asia in fields such as human rights, international trade, foreign investment, and transnational litigation. His latest work examines East Asia’s current World War II reparations movement from legal, political, and sociological lenses, appearing in Harvard International Law Journal, Stanford Journal of International Law, and Virginia Journal of International Law. He has presented his research in French, Japanese, and Mandarin to over 150 conferences, symposia, and workshops in 25 jurisdictions in the Americas, Asia, Australia, and Europe. He has testified before Congress, and written for local, national, and international media.

He is a member of the U.S.-Japan Network for the Future (Mansfield Foundation), and the Public Intellectuals Program (National Committee on U.S.-China Relations)—the only lawyer selected for both groups.  Previously, he practiced international dispute resolution in Tokyo and New York, and clerked for a federal judge in Boston. 

Tim Webster's Google Scholar Profile

Courses Taught

International Business Transactions
International Human Rights Law
IP Survey
Comparative Law
Comparative Equality Law
Conflict of Laws
Public International Law

Scholarly Works

Book Chapters

Timothy Webster, The Transnationalization of Civil Society in East Asia's War Redress Movement, in Re-Envisioning Corporate Accountability for Human Rights Abuses (Raluca Grosescu & John Dale eds., forthcoming 2025).

Timothy Webster, The Solid State of State Immunity in China, in Cambridge Handbook of China and International Law (Congyan Cai & Ignacio de la Rasilla eds., 2024).

Timothy Webster, The Long Tail of World War II: Jus Post Bellum in Contemporary East Asia, in Just Peace After Conflict: Jus Post Bellum and the Justice of Peace (Carsten Stahn & Jens Iverson eds.,  2020). SSRN Digital Commons

Timothy Webster, China’s WTO Compliance, in China and the New International Economic Order 133 (Colin Picker & Lisa Toohey eds., 2015).

Timothy Webster, Racial Discrimination in Japan, in Unity or Fragmentation or International Law 295 (André Nollkaemper & Ole Kristian Fauchald eds., 2012).

Journal Articles

Timothy Webster, The Taiwanese Roots of East Asia’s War Compensation Movement, 72 Am. J. Compar. L. (forthcoming 2024).

Timothy Webster, Japan’s Transnational War Reparations Litigation: An Empirical Analysis, 63 Harv. Int'l L.J. 181 (2022). SSRN Digital Commons

Timothy Webster, The Minds Behind the Movement: The Role of Academics in East Asia’s War Reparations Litigation, 54 Case W. Rsrv. J. Int'l L. 1 (2022). SSRN Digital Commons

Timothy Webster, South Korea Shatters the Paradigm: Corporate Liability, Historical Accountability, and the Second World War, 26 UCLA J. Int’l L. & Foreign Affs. 123 (2022). SSRN Digital Commons

Timothy Webster, Margins of Empire: The Sakhalin Koreans’ Long Saga Home, 47 Yale J. Int’l L. Online 43 (2022). SSRN Digital Commons

Timothy Webster, Retooling Sanctions: China’s Challenge to the Liberal International Order, 23 Chi. J. Int’l L. 178 (2022). SSRN Digital Commons

Timothy Webster, Disaggregating Corporate Liability: Japanese Multinationals and World War II, 56 Stan. J. Int'l L. 175 (2020). SSRN Digital Commons

Timothy Webster, The Price of Settlement: World War II Reparations in China, Japan and Korea, 51 N.Y.U. J. Int’l L. & Pol. 301 (2019).

Timothy Webster, Recent Attempts at Reparations Show that World War II is Not Over, The Conversation (May 23, 2019).

Timothy Webster, Discursive Justice: World War II Litigation in Japan, 58 Va. J. Int’l L. 161 (2018).

Michael Scharf, Thomas Buergenthal, Carsten Stahn, Milena Sterio, Avidan Cover, & Timothy Webster, Talking Foreign Policy: Jesner v. Arab Bank, 50 Case W. Rsrv. J. Int'l L. 281 (2018).

Timothy Webster, Why Does the United States Oppose Asian Investment?, 37 NW J. Int’l L. & Bus. 213 (2017). SSRN

Timothy Webster, Jedidiah Kroncke, The Futility of Law & Development: China and the Dangers of Exporting American Law, 65 Am. J. Comp. L. 968 (2017) (book review).

Timothy Webster, Paper Compliance: How China Implements WTO Decisions, 35 Mich. J. Int’l L. 525 (2014). SSRN

Timothy Webster, Teemu Ruskola, Legal Orientalism: China, the United States, and Modern Law, 62 Am. J. Comp. L. 811 (2014) (book review). SSRN

Timothy Webster, China's Human Rights Footprint in Africa, 51 Colum. J. Transnat’l L. 626 (2013).

Timothy Webster & Jun Zhao, Taking Stock: China's First Decade of Free Trade, 33 U. Pa. J. Int’l L. 65 (2012). SSRN

Timothy Webster, Ambivalence & Activism: Employment Discrimination in China, 44 Vand. J. Transnat’l L. 643 (2011). SSRN

Timothy Webster, Introducing the China Jurist Series, 20 Pac. Rim L. & Pol'y J. 355 (2011).

Chen Ruihua, Initial Research on the Malfunctions of the Criminal Process, 20 Pac. Rim L. & Pol'y J. 359 (2011) (Timothy Webster trans.).

Timothy Webster, Insular Minorities: International Law's Challenge to Japan's Ethnic Homogeneity, 36 N.C. J. Int’l L. & Com. Reg. 557 (2011). SSRN

Timothy Webster, International Human Rights Law in Japan: The View at Thirty, 23 Colum. J. Asian L. 241 (2010). SSRN

Timothy Webster, East Asia Institutionalizes: China, Japan and the Vogue for Free Trade, 77 Nordic J. Int’l L. 301 (2008). SSRN

Timothy Webster, Reconstituting Japanese Law: International Norms and Domestic Litigation, 30 Mich. J. Int’l L. 211 (2008). SSRN

Timothy Webster, Arudou v. Earth Cure: Judgment of November 11, 2002 Sapporo District Court, 9 Asian-Pac. L. & Pol’y J. 297 (2008). SSRN

Timothy Webster, Babes with Arms: International Law and Child Soldiers, 39 Geo. Wash. Int’l L. Rev. 227 (2007). SSRN

Timothy Webster, Translation: Case Note & Commentary, McGowan v. Narita, 9 Australian J. Asian L. 346 (2007).

Timothy Webster, Bortz v. Suzuki, Judgment of October 12, 1999, Hamamatsu Branch, Shizuoka District Court, 16 Pac. Rim L. & Pol'y J. 631 (2007). SSRN

Timothy Webster, Bilateral Regionalism: Paradoxes of East Asian Integration, 25 Berkeley J. Int’l L. 434 (2007). SSRN

Timothy Webster, Sisyphus in a Coal Mine: Responses to Slave Labor in Japan and the United States, 91 Cornell L. Rev 733 (2006). SSRN

Timothy Webster, Legal Excisions: Omissions Are Not Accidents, 39 Cornell Int’l L.J. 435 (2006). SSRN

Shorter Writings

Tim Webster, Why Is There Only One Black Man in My Property Class? The Underrepresentation of Black Men in Legal Education, Af-Am Point of View, Mar. 1, 2023, at 23.

Timothy Webster, A Self-Defeating Wall, South China Morning Post (Nov. 22, 2016).

Timothy Webster, U.S. Elections Rarely Foretell Future U.S.-China Relations, China – U.S. Focus (Aug. 10, 2016).

Timothy Webster, The West Gets the Blame, but It’s China That Hong Kong and Taiwan Fear, L.A. Times (Oct. 3, 2014).

Timothy Webster, China’s Compliance with the World Trade Organization and International Trade Rules, Congressional-Executive Commission on China (Jan. 15, 2014) (congressional testimony).