University News

Western New England University Students Inducted into Alpha Phi Sigma National Honor Society

Published: May 03, 2024 | Categories: All News, Arts and Sciences
Associate Professor of Criminal Justice, Creaig Dunton, welcoming the new Alpha Phi Sigma inductees.

The Western New England University chapter of Alpha Phi Sigma National Honor Society welcomed 39 students at the University's annual induction ceremony on May 2 in the Campus Center.

Alpha Phi Sigma is the national criminal justice honor society. The mission of the society is to promote critical thinking, rigorous scholarship, and lifelong learning to keep abreast of the advances in scientific research, to elevate the ethical standards of the criminal justice profession, and to sustain in the public mind the benefit and necessity of education and professional training.

The following students were inducted: 
Gabe Baber
Alexa Barber
Ava Blanchard
Michael Bozetka
Emily Chojnicki
Ashley Christerson
Jennifer Creagh
Caitlin Cunningham 
Jaden Darnell
Michael Dogostino
Cadence Eaton
Courtney Farrell
Elayna Ferrick
Katelyn Fette
Shasmary Goitia
Rose Handlin
Zachary Hutchinson
Kayla Ireland
Rieley Jessie-Gerelli 
Lucas Kamoen 
Camden Kaufmann
Callie LaRose
Abigail Marasco
Kaitlyn McGill
Nicholas Parker
Brayden Patricia
Evelyn Picone
Amanda Pillard
Hanna Rau
Amanda Robinson 
Sydney Shepard
Damien Sherilla
Evan Stewart
Nathan Velazquez 
Matthew Walz
Leah Warren 
Benjamin Weldon 
Kayla Wickham 
Cheyenne Wimpenney