Paulette Kofsky

Paulette Kofsky

Senior Laboratory Technician
Phone: 413-782-1328
Office: CSP 428

Since October 2023, serving as a Senior Laboratory Technician for the Neuropharmacology Laboratory of Dr. Sharalee Tershner at Western New England University, current and founding chair of the Department of Neuroscience. Responsibilities include maintaining a vivarium for mice and rats, and assisting students with laboratory work and research studies. Immediately before served for nearly three years as a Research Assistant for a grant-funded study for Dr. John Pezzuto, Dean of the College of Pharmacy and Health Services, also at Western New England University.  Examined the effect of red grape consumption, particularly the component resveratrol, on the health and longevity of laboratory mice.

Previously, worked for almost a decade as an adjunct instructor for local Massachusetts schools and colleges. Before that, worked as a Cytogenetics Technologist for approximately seven years diagnosing reproductive aliments and cancers for Quest Diagnostics’ AmeriPath division in CT, Quest Diagnostics’ Nichols Institute in VA, and the University of Rochester’s Medical School in NY.  Continue to maintain two cytogenetics certifications: National ASCP and State of New York.

Regarding education, Second Master’s degree was from St. John Fisher College in NY majoring in Secondary Education for Math, Science, and Technology. First Master's degree was from Fairleigh Dickinson University in NJ majoring in Basic Biological Sciences. Undergraduate Bachelor’s degree was from Hofstra University in NY majoring in Psychology with Biology and Fine Arts minors and a concentration in Chemistry.

On the personal side, married for over 20 years to the same wonderful man, and have three mostly good-natured children, all boys, and have a dog who is a girl and who is also mostly good-natured. Volunteer whenever possible for various organizations including local synagogue and for the local squadron of Civil Air Patrol, which is an auxiliary of the Air Force, based out of Westover Air Reserve Base in Chicopee and Ludlow, MA.