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Bereavement (Funeral) Leave

Policy Statement

University employees are provided with paid time off for making arrangements, settling family affairs, bereavement, and/or attending the funeral or memorial service of a member of the immediate family.

Reason for Policy

This policy outlines guidelines for employees when taking bereavement leave.

Who Is Governed by this Policy

Faculty and Staff


A death in the immediate family may require an employee to be absent from the workplace.  In the case of the death of a spouse, child, parent, or sibling, necessary time off for attendance of funeral matters will be allowed with pay up to a maximum of five days, commensurate with the circumstances, and with the approval of the Dean or Department Head.  

Bereavement time may also be granted by the Department Head, Supervisor, or Dean for the death of other relatives or close relationships, including in-laws, step-parents, and grandparents, not to exceed three days.

If additional time off is needed, the employee should have a discussion with their supervisor and/or Human Resources and work cooperatively to explore other leave policy options. 


Exempt employees notify their supervisor of the need to take bereavement leave and the supervisor will keep track of the leave used.

For Non-Exempt employees using bereavement leave, supervisors must input the exception time for the employee as “bereavement leave.”

If Non-Exempt employees are absent for a period extending beyond the Bereavement Leave entitlement due to settling an estate or personal matters relative to a death in the family, and the employee does not have accrued time with pay remaining (e.g. vacation, personal days), a Leave of Absence, without pay may be applied for (see Leave of Absence Policy).

Document History

Policy Origination Date: July 24, 2023

Who Approved This Policy

Associate Vice President of Human Resources 


Associate Director of Human Resources
Rivers Memorial