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Jury Duty

Policy Statement

Employees are encouraged to serve on jury duty and fulfill their court-related, civic obligations. The University provides regular faculty or staff members paid time off to do so without change in status or loss of pay.

Reason for Policy

This policy outlines the regular employee summoned to jury duty receives time off with pay for the periods of absence from scheduled work as required by the court.

Who Is Governed by this Policy

Faculty and Staff


All WNE Staff members called for jury duty will be allowed absence without loss of pay for the period of service as a juror up to a period of ten (10) days in a two (2) year period.  Time off for Jury Duty will be considered an excused absence and WNE will continue to pay the employee’s full salary. 

The University reserves the right to ask the Court for a postponement from Jury Duty if, in the opinion of the Department Head, Supervisor, or Dean (“supervisor”), the employee’s services are essential during the time of Jury Duty.

Employees are required to report to work, or work remotely, on any day they are excused from Jury Duty or are excused from Jury Duty before 1:00 p.m.


When an employee is notified to report for Jury Duty, the employee must present a copy of the notice to their immediate supervisor. If a postponement is needed, the supervisor shall prepare a letter for the employee requesting a postponement from service. Employees must present proof of service upon return from jury duty service.

Employees called for jury duty will be allowed absence without loss of pay for the period of service as a juror. Pay for such time on jury duty will be reduced by any amounts received from the courts as a juror.

Jury Duty pay is limited to ten (10) days in a two (2) year period.

Temporary student employees are not eligible for Jury Duty pay. Temporary staff with assignments of 6 months or more are eligible. 

Exempt employees notify their supervisor of the need to take jury duty leave and the supervisor will keep track of the leave used.   

For Non-Exempt employees using jury duty leave, supervisors must input the exception time for the employee as “jury duty.”

Document History

Policy Origination Date: July 24, 2023

Who Approved This Policy

Associate Vice President of Human Resources 


Associate Director of Human Resources
Rivers Memorial