Driving Legal Excellence
Western New England University School of Law is committed to providing students with the opportunity to be immersed in a dynamic, hands-on learning environment that allows them to understand the practice of law more fully. Each student is guaranteed at least one clinic or externship experience prior to graduation.
Experiential learning has a high priority at Western New England University School of Law. Our clinical programs allow you to apply legal theory learned in the classroom to real-life lawyering, representing actual clients in real cases. These programs prepare you for the practice of law, as you gain practical knowledge and begin to develop professional skills and values under the supervision of experienced practitioners and a faculty member. In addition to providing valuable firsthand experience, clinics help develop essential lawyering skills such as legal writing, interviewing, and negotiation.
Participation in a clinical program also offers an exciting and creative way to establish connections with practicing attorneys and build a resume of legal experience.
Experiential Learning Requirement
The experiential learning requirement at Western New England School of Law is designed to help give law students a chance to get real-world legal experience before graduation.
Upcoming Events
Clinical Programs Information Fair - Wednesday, February 12 from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. in Law Commons
Clinical Faculty and students will be availalbe to talk about clinics, practicums, and externships offered for the 2025-2026 Academic Year.
Advising Week - February 17 through February 21
We recommend that students applying for a clinic, practicum or externship attend an advising session with one of our clinical faculty to guide you through the process of determining what type of placement will help you achieve your career and academic goals.
Please add the course titled Clinic and Externship Advising Sessions on TWEN to sign up for a 15-minute advising Session.
Externship Information Session - Wednesday, February 26 @ 12:00 PM - Room 3
Join us for an overview of the Fall 2025 Externship Program, including the academc requirements, application process, and the benefits of externships. Refreshments provided.
Summer Employment and Fall Externship Employer Fair - Wednesday, March 19th from 12:00 Noon to 1:00 PM
Students will have the opportunity to speak with employers about their organizations and the opportunities available for summer interns and fall externs.