The PharmD/MBA Dual Degree Program offers a unique opportunity for learners interested in the practice of pharmacy in a business or managerial environment. In a highly coordinated structure, you can complete the coursework requirements for the MBA degree in the same time it takes to earn the Doctor of Pharmacy degree. Learners enrolled in the PharmD at the College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences can apply to the College of Business for enrollment in the MBA following one semester in the PharmD. MBA coursework can be completed online concurrently with PharmD coursework and during semester breaks. You must be in good standing with both programs to remain enrolled in the PharmD/MBA Dual Degree Program. Below is one possible configuration* for the course of study in the program.
* MBA course schedule is based on the tentative projected course offerings.
First Professional Year (PY1) - College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences- Fall and Spring Semester
College of Business
Spring Semester: Complete the following online, self-study modules if needed: Statistics and Financial Analysis (Accounting and Finance) through Contact Graduate Admissions for additional details.
Summer Semester (May–August): BUS-610 Business and Its Environment, 3 cr.
Second Professional Year (PY2) - College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences - Fall and Spring Semester
College of Business
Fall Semester: MAN-605 Leadership, Problem Solving, and Decision Making, 3 cr.
Spring Semester: BAIM 620 Decision Modeling for Analytics, 3 cr.
Summer Term (May–August): AC-630 Accounting for Decision Makers, 3 cr.
Third Professional Year (PY3) - College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences - Fall and Spring
College of Business
Fall Semester: MAN-610 Organizational Behavior and Theory, 3 cr.
Spring Semester: BAIM-610 Information Technology Management and Applications, 3 cr.
Summer Term (May–August): FIN 630 Managerial Finance, 3 cr.
Fourth Year (PY4) - College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences- Summer, Fall, and Spring
College of Business
Fall Semester: MK-640 Marketing Management, 3 cr.
Spring Semester: BUS-680 Strategic Management, 3 cr.
** The MBA will not be awarded without a completed undergraduate degree or PharmD.**
Pharmacy Cross Credits Applied to MBA (Minimum Grade "B-" or higher)
PHAR517 - Healthcare Policy and Delivery (2 credits)
PHAR520 - Healthcare Communications (3 credits)
PHAR616 - Practice Management I (2 credits)
PHAR626 - Practice Management II (2 credits)
PHAR716 - Pharmacy Law I (2 credits)
PHAR726 - Pharmacy Law II (2 credits)