The University's MA state tax exempt form, or ST-2, is needed to be provided to a vendor when a University employee is making a purchase on behalf of the University, and this allows the purchase to be exempt from state sales tax.
The University's MA state tax exempt form, or ST-2, is needed to be provided to a vendor when a University employee is making a purchase on behalf of the University, and this allows the purchase to be exempt from state sales tax.
Cash Advances are essentially loans available to faculty and staff for University-related travel or purchasing. Please be sure to use the Request for Advance form, completed fully with proper approvals, submitted to Procurement Services prior to the end of the day on the Monday of the week that the check is required.
Per policy, the Cash Advance needs to be printed on blue paper, or copies are available at any time in the Accounts Payable office.
A Cash Advance should be cleared within 15 days of the completion of the travel, or the purchase, and can be done so by submitting a TME Form complete with invoices/receipts for all transactions.
If the expense is less than the amount taken with the Advance, all excess cash must be submitted along with the TME Form.
If the expense is more than the Advance, the difference will be paid to the traveler/borrower by means of a check processed in the weekly Check Run.
Please refer to the Cash Advance policy for all other instructions and limitations.
Check Request forms are used to request issuance of a payment when no invoice is available. Please note that if an invoice is available, a Check Request is not required. An example of a situation when a Check Request might be required is in the event of payment for a service, as a referee used by Athletics, or payment for a performer.
A Check Request should also be used for reimbursement of goods purchased on behalf of the University using personal funds, and for which reimbursement has been agreed upon. For all travel, meal, or entertainment-related expenses please submit those reimbursement requests on a TME Form. An example of this type of purchase could be when supplies are required for an event, and a University employee or student purchases those supplies using their own personal method of payment.
Please be sure to always print out the Check Request form on yellow paper, per University policy, and they are also available in the Accounts Payable office.
Western New England University’s policy regarding the purchasing of gift cards using University funds is as follows:
Whenever international travel is required on behalf of the University, please refer to the International Travel Policy and fill out the accompanying form completely before travel. This is very important and involves insurance coverage and other considerations. The link below will take you to the Finance and Administration website, which provides additional information about international travel policies.
Per University policy, all transactions and expenditures need documentation for payment or reimbursement. Meals at sit-down restaurants actually need two pieces of backup: the itemized slip as well as the credit card receipt. In situations where a receipt or invoice cannot be attained, we have allowed for missing documents for transactions of under $25 to be replaced by the Missing Documentation Form.
This form needs to be filled out completely and submitted along with the payment or reimbursement request (TME form).
This form is also accepted to take the place of a second meal receipt, even over $25, provided that the other receipt is supplied.
This normally pertains only to Faculty and Administrative Staff, but the University will often include moving expense reimbursement included in hiring contracts. Please refer to the Moving Reimbursement Policy below for specifics and guidelines, and the attached form will need to be completed and submitted, complete with appropriate approval signatures, backup, and all required documentation.
Please refer to the attached Moving Reimbursement Policy for all guidelines, procedures, and policies governing the submission of moving expenses for reimbursement.
Any time that a student or employee of the University needs to be reimbursed for an approved purchase of goods only, and that purchase is under $50, a Petty Cash Reimbursement form can be used. The attached document contains two of the Petty Cash forms, actually, so please submit only one form (half the page) for Petty Cash requests.
The University has a campus credit card program administered through Bank of America.
In cases when a Cash Advance is required for a student only, there is a special Student Advance form (attached) that is to be used. Unlike the Advance form that it is used by faculty and staff, the Student Advance form can be printed out on white paper. Please refer to the Student Advance Policy that's located below in regards to guidelines for completing and submitting the form, and when it's use is appropriate.
Please refer to the attached University Travel Policy prior to arranging any travel, as there are very specific protocols to follow.