Civil Engineering Program Students
College of Engineering

Civil Engineering

Designing the Infrastructure of Tomorrow

Are you interested in the foundations and structures that help the world function? Our Civil Engineering major focuses on the latest developments in the design, efficiency, construction, and maintenance of society’s infrastructure. You will learn about how the world around you is constructed through classroom, laboratory, and internship experiences (including study abroad in China and international collaborative projects, such as Solar Decathlon competitions). With a focus on entrepreneurship, innovation, interdisciplinary learning, and green engineering, you’ll have the education to play a role in building tomorrow's framework from the ground up.

Why Choose Civil Engineering?

Our nation’s success has been built on the foundation of our solid infrastructure—much of it constructed decades ago. Today, thousands of public works projects in the United States are in desperate need of repair and many more new infrastructure developments are necessary to keep our country competitive. According to the latest U.S. News & World Report ranking, civil engineering is ranked #5 and environmental engineering is ranked #4 in Best Engineering Jobs. There has never been a greater need for civil and environmental engineers to plan, execute, and lead these important projects.

#1 U.S. News ranks Civil Engineering as #1 in Best Engineering Jobs in 2022
$97K Median Pay (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics 2022)
Jaylen Hawkins

What to Expect Civil

Jaylen Hawkins ’25 is an example of the modern scholar-athlete. Balancing a demanding major in Civil Engineering with the rigors of collegiate wrestling, Jaylen’s journey encapsulates the essence of perseverance and intellectual curiosity.

Student Profile

What Will You Study?

You’ll learn about latest advances in the design, construction, and maintenance of society’s infrastructure, from roads to buildings, and dams to bridges to water treatment plants. You will gain expertise in the major areas of civil engineering through courses in Transportation Engineering, Water Resources Engineering, Structural Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Construction Engineering, and Geotechnical Engineering. You’ll also learn about responsible and sustainable engineering practices through alternative and renewable energy, and sustainable materials. Starting in your junior year, you have the option to choose a concentration in Environmental, Reservoir, or Railway Engineering.

We also offer a Five-year BS/MS in Civil Engineering to accelerate your studies to achieve your personal goals. Students can also choose to further their education after the completion of their bachelor's degree in our Master of Science in Civil Engineering program.

Unique Learning Opportunities

Civil Engineering First Year Program

First Year Program

Design, innovation, and entrepreneurial thinking from day one is the cornerstone of engineering education at Western New England University. Our first-year engineering program teams students up to design, code, and prototype a robot to compete in the Bot Battle at the end of the first semester. In the second semester, data acquisition and processing, ethical standards, communication, and business skills are developed. Student teams design a product to improve lives through the application of smart technology. The prototypes are presented at the Emerging Engineers Expo at the end of the year.

Senior Design Civil

Senior Design Project

Take what you've learned in the classroom and apply it to solve a real industry problem in a Senior Design Project that caps off your engineering education. You'll research, design, and create a project that advances industry knowledge. Regional companies may sponsor and guide you through the completion of your project, which will allow you to leverage the opportunity into a full-time job.

bear statue in front of shrubbery