Summer Orientation and Registration (SOAR) is a one-day program held on selected dates throughout June. In the past, 95% of first-year students, most with their parents, participated.
Below are the planned dates for SOAR:
Log into your Application Status Page to register.
You will receive an email from the University containing your User ID within five days of depositing. This email will contain details on activating and accessing your WNE email account.
If you have not received this email, please call the Office of Admissions at 413-782-1321.
You will be sent a survey via email that will help us to assure that we provide you with the best possible schedule based on what you need.
Placement testing in both English and mathematics is required for all first-year students, and, in some cases, transfer students. These placement tests assist us in determining which courses are best suited for you. Placement exams should be completed by May 31. Placement exams are located in Kodiak, which is the learning management system used in a number of your classes for the purpose of collecting online homework submissions; hosting quizzes, surveys, and online discussions; making announcements; and more.
Complete your placement exams by May 17 to be entered into a drawing for a WNE bookstore gift card.
You must activate your WNE ID and set up your email in order to log in to Kodiak.
At Western New England University, there is a three-step process for housing and roommate selection, which takes place through THD. You can access THD through the Connect2U portal.
Step 1: Complete the housing application. The new undergraduate student housing application is available in THD. You can access THD through logging into Self-Service using your WNE User ID and password. The application includes a questionnaire that will help you match with compatible roommates as well as the ability to express interest in honors housing. We encourage you to complete this step by no later than June 7.
Step 2: Find a roommate. If you already know who you want to live with, you can form a group with them in THD once you have both completed your housing application. If you are looking for a roommate, you can search for roommates in THD to find someone compatible based on the questionnaire answers. Once you find a roommate, you can form a group with them. SOAR will also provide a wonderful opportunity to make connections with other students and find a roommate. Students should complete this step by June 27. If you do not form a group with someone by June 27, you will be paired with a roommate based on your housing preferences and questionnaire answers.
Step 3: Confirm housing placement. Students who have completed a housing application will receive your housing assignment by mid-July. When you are placed in housing, you will receive an email from THD confirming your housing assignment and roommate.
Transfers students: The housing process will continue to be available to you after the above listed deadlines, but we ask that you please complete both steps as soon as possible.
Student health insurance is mandated by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Every student must annually submit an online waiver or enroll in the offered health insurance plan. If no waiver is submitted, the bill will reflect a charge for health insurance. Students will be responsible for this charge.
An overview of the student health insurance requirements, including a link to access the online waiver form, can be found on the Center for Health and Well-Being website. You will not be able to start this process until the beginning of June.
Important note for International Students
International students do not need to complete the waiver. All international students are automatically enrolled in the University-sponsored Student Health Insurance Plan.
Government-sponsored students: If part of your scholarship covers health insurance, please contact the Center for Health and Well-Being at 413-782-1211.
Exchange students: One-semester exchange students will not need to purchase the insurance. For full-year students, you will automatically be enrolled in the University-sponsored Student Health Insurance Plan.
As part of our Culture of Financial Wellness, we want to ensure that all families fully understand the financial investment of a Western New England University education. Our Enrollment Services Office can provide an overview of applying for financial aid, how to receive alternative financing, and instructions on how to sign up for a payment plan. Our financial aid counselors are available to assist you with questions about financing your education at WNE.
Contact financial aid counselors
In order to accept your financial aid offer, you will need to log into Self-Service using your WNE User ID and password.
Enrollment Services
1215 Wilbraham Road
Springfield, MA 01119
Phone: 413-796-2080
Fax: 413-796-2081
In order for your parents to be able to see your bill as well as other parts of your student record, the Parent Proxy will need to be set up in Self-Service. You will need your WNE User ID and email to log into Self-Service.
In order to begin classes, you must have all final, official transcripts sent to the admissions office. Scanned copies from you are not considered official. Review the "Admitted Checklist" section of the Application Status page to see any materials you are missing. If you have any questions regarding transcripts, please contact the Office of Admissions.
If you are thinking about buying a computer to bring to college, you may be wondering what to purchase. Our Office of Information Technology (OIT) has posted some points to consider. Check the OIT Policies and Procedures page for more information.