Male law student

Student Services

Charting Your Future

Welcome to the Office of Career Services. We are dedicated to meeting your needs by providing personalized career advising and the resources you need to plan and pursue the career you want. We can help you market yourself confidently and professionally and assist you in developing life-long job search techniques.

Job & Internship Database 

Career Services uses Symplicity, an online jobs database and recruiting system for students. It lists jobs, externships, clerkships, fellowships, and other opportunities sent to Career Services. Students are able to upload application materials and apply for many positions through Symplicity.

Students enrolled in a J.D. course of study at Western New England University School of Law (full-time or part-time) are assigned an account during their first year of law school and have access to that account while enrolled in law school and upon graduation. If you have difficulty accessing your account, please contact our office.

Student Symplicity Login


Our team is available to help you formulate your career plans, devise an effective job search strategy, build experience, and refine your application materials. Please email

Mock Interviews 

Mock interviews with our team are helpful in formulating responses, practicing professionalism, and receiving feedback that can assist you.  Different types of legal employers utilize different interview strategies, so please set up an appointment prior to your interview to maximize your effectiveness.

Alumni Networking 

There are many opportunities to network with alumni, both locally and across the nation.  Many local alumni attorneys participate in the annual Networking Reception for 1Ls held each spring.  Alumni often attend and present at law school events, and also support classroom learning by volunteering as moot court judges for mock trials.

Business Cards 

We provide students with student business cards for a small fee. Students can place new orders or reorders anytime throughout the calendar year. Visit our office or submit the request online.


Western New England University School of Law students and alumni may use Career Services resources at some other law schools. Requests for reciprocity can be made through Career Services here at the law school. Reciprocity is not usually extended from August 15 through November 15.

Contact Information

Office of Career Services
Blake Law Center, Room 25

Fax: 413-796-2067
Contact Us