Accomplishing Our Accreditation
Public Disclosure Of Accreditation Status
The Western New England University Doctor of Pharmacy program is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE).
Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education
190 S. LaSalle Street, Suite 3000
Chicago, Illinois 60603-3446
Phone: 312-664-3575
Fax: 866-228-2631
Accreditation Disclosure Explanation
The Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) accredits Doctor of Pharmacy programs offered by Colleges and Schools of Pharmacy in the United States and selected non-US sites. For a Doctor of Pharmacy program offered by a new College or School of Pharmacy, ACPE accreditation generally involves three steps: Precandidate accreditation status, Candidate accreditation status, and Full accreditation status. Precandidate accreditation status denotes a developmental program that is expected to mature in accord with stated plans and within a defined time period. Precandidate accreditation status is awarded to a new program of a College or School of Pharmacy that has not yet enrolled students in the professional program and authorizes the program to admit its first class. Candidate accreditation status is awarded to a Doctor of Pharmacy program that has students enrolled but has not yet had a graduating class. Full accreditation status is awarded to a program that has met all ACPE standards for accreditation and has graduated its first class. Graduates of a class designated as having Candidate accreditation status have the same rights and privileges of those graduates from a fully accredited program. ACPE conveys its decisions to the various boards of pharmacy and makes recommendations in accord with its decisions. It should be noted, however, that decisions concerning eligibility for licensure by examination or reciprocity reside with the respective state boards of pharmacy in accordance with their state statutes and administrative rules.
The accreditation term granted for the Doctor of Pharmacy program extends until June 30, 2029, which represents the customary eight-year term between self-studies and comprehensive evaluations. The academic year for the next currently scheduled review of the Doctor of Pharmacy program for purposes of continued accreditation is 2028-2029. This schedule is contingent upon maintenance of the presently observed quality during the stated accreditation term. A required on‐site verification visit will take place at a time that is practical and with mutual agreement between ACPE and the program Dean.
The purpose of the verification visit is to confirm the findings of the virtual site visit team. The ACPE Board of Directors reserves the right to revise its accreditation action or to alter these dates based upon monitoring, such as written reports and/or focused on-site reviews as may be scheduled during the accreditation term stated above.
For an explanation of ACPE accreditation process, consult ACPE ( This website will be regularly updated to reflect any changes in status.
On-time Graduation Rate
The on-time graduation rate for the most recent graduating classes are presented below:
Class of 2015 |
Class of 2016 |
Class of 2017 |
Class of 2018 |
Class of 2019 |
Class of 2020 |
Class of 2021 |
Class of 2022 |
Class of 2023 |
Class of 2024 |
Class of 2025 |
Class of 2026 |
Class of 2027 |
Entering Class Size | 75 | 75 | 76 | 76 | 74 | 75 | 62 | 66 | 52 | 45 | 49 | 54 | 67 |
On-Time Graduation Rate | 69 (92.0%) | 66 (88.0%) | 66 (86.8%) | 69 (90.8%) | 61 (82.4%) | 57 (76.0%) | 56 (90.3%) | 53 (80.3%) | 45 (86.5%) | 32 (71.1%) | |||
Total Graduation Rate | 71 (94.7%) | 71 (94.7%) | 68 (89.5%) | 72 (94.7%) | 69 (93.2%) | 65 (86.7%) | 58 (93.5%) | 55 (83.3%) | 47 (90.4%) | ||||
Students Still Eligible to Graduate | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 |
Information accurate as of August 19, 2024
Licensing Examination Pass Rates
For state-specific licensure disclosure information, please refer to the WNE Licensure and Certification Disclosures webpage.
Measures of Student Achievement
Eleven graduates from the Class of 2024 landed post-graduate residency programs. The match rate for students entering the match at phases 1 and 2 combined (91.7%) was higher than the national average.
During the 2023-2024 academic year, College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences students were recognized regionally and nationally for their accomplishments. Below are some of these accomplishments, listed alphabetically:
Hedyeh Ajami (Class of 2026)
- The CVS Health Foundation Pharmacy Scholarship
- The History of Pharmacy Award
Melak Al Qayyar (Class of 2024)
- The Robert W. and Marilyn P. Dobek Pharmacy Scholarship
John Bonanno (Class of 2024)
- The USPHS Excellence in Public Health Pharmacy Practice Award
Peyton Calvao (Class of 2024)
- The Wolters Kluwer Award of Excellence in Clinical Communication
Channel Carde (Class of 2027)
- The CVS Health Foundation Pharmacy Scholarship
- This History of Pharmacy Award
Devin Dinh (Class of 2026)
- The Walgreens Diversity and Inclusion Excellence Award
Adai Estrada (Class of 2025)
- The APhA-ASP member of the Year
Alexis Hemstock (Class of 2025)
- Aspiring Pharmacy Clinician Award
Autumn Kelley (Class of 2025)
- The Norman and Minna Halperin Scholarship
- The Phi Lambda Sigma Chapter Member of the Year Award
Yvanna Kenan (Class of 2025)
- The Phi Delta Chi Brother of the Year Award
- The PSGA Recognition for Meritorious Service Award
Giovanny Laguerre (Class of 2024)
- The Massachusetts Pharmacists Association Senior Achievement Award
- The Phi Delta Chi Distinguished Brother and Leadership Award
Samira Mawla (Class of 2024)
- The American Pharmacists Association/Academy of Student Pharmacists Senior Recognition Award
Meghan Murphy (Class of 2025)
- PSGA Class of 2025 Pharmacy Student of the Year
Sahar Nooraninia (Class of 2026)
- The CVS Health Foundation Pharmacy Scholarship
Jacob Pariseau (Class of 2026)
- The Norman and Minna Halperin Scholarship
Taryn Paul (Class of 2025)
- The Alpha Zeta Omega Frater of the Year Award
Makayla Pemberton (Class of 2024)
- The Viatris Excellence in Pharmacy Award
- The American Pharmacogenomics Association Student Award for Excellence in Pharmacogenomics
Jenna Pilares (Class of 2024)
- The Student Societies of Health-System Pharmacy Excellence in Service Award
Shames Radi (Class of 2024)
- The American Institute of the History of Pharmacy Student Recognition Program
Kristen Riley (Class of 2024)
- The Massachusetts/Northeast Region of the American Society of Consultant Pharmacists Scholar Award
Nayadi Lorenzo Roman (Class of 2027)
- The CVS Health Foundation Pharmacy Scholarship
Maherah Shaikh (Class of 2025)
- The Western Massachusetts Pharmacists Association Endowed Scholarship
- The APhA-ASP Most Dedicated Member
- APhA-ASP Patient Counseling Competition winner
Pedro Sierra (Class of 2025)
- The Mini-mock NAPLEX Highest Score Award
Jacob Wadas (Class of 2026)
- The History of Pharmacy Award
Sedona Wikar (Class of 2026)
- The CVS Health Foundation Pharmacy Scholarship
Michele Wysocki (Class of 2026)
- The Walgreens Multilingual Scholarship
Occupational Therapy Accreditation
The Doctor of Occupational Therapy program is fully accredited through the Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education (ACOTE) of the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA), located at:
Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education (ACOTE) of the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA)
7501 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 510E
Bethesda, MD 20814
The phone number for ACOTE is 301-652-AOTA [301-652-2682].
The web address of ACOTE is