A Consistent Look and Feel Brand
Consistency is essential to the University's efforts to build and sustain a brand--one that is accurate and resonates with various audiences with whom we must communicate. The Division of Marketing and External Affairs has established guidelines regarding the language we use and the appropriate use of our trademarked logos and other institutional identifiers.
The University's Style Guide provides standards for all print- and web-based materials, including proper representation of the University name, various buildings and locations on campus, degrees, and titles, as well as general usage and grammar guidelines. Our Web Governance Standards document outlines the practices and procedures that pertain to our digital presence.
Similarly, the University's various Graphics Standards Guides provide standards for usage of the Western New England University Seal and University logos, including proper colors and fonts. Separate Graphic Standards Guides are available for the University as a whole, as well as the College of Pharmacy and School of Law.